Here you can find an overview of current events and contexts in which the Fund participates.
The Nordic Culture Fund participates at the ninth session of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
Central Denmark EU Office presents main findings from a Nordic partnership project that has spent the last 1.5 years investigating the unique role of culture in a sustainable agenda. The project has received funding from the Nordic Cultural Foundation.
On June 1 from 11-15 pm in Gothenburg, the Swedish Agency for Cultural Analysis will present the report ‘Att bredda deltagandet i kulturlivet’, a mapping of barriers and opportunities for participation in cultural life. The presentation will be followed by an in-depth discussion between representatives from the cultural sector. The discussion will be moderated by Benny Marcel, Director of the Nordic Culture Fund.
IFACCA (The International Federation of Arts Council and Cultural Agencies) is holding its 9th World Summit in Stockholm in collaboration with the Swedish Arts Council. The theme of the conference is “Safeguarding Artistic Freedom”. The Nordic Culture Fund will be involved in several programme items at the conference.
In collaboration with the Nordic House in Reykjavik and the think tank a/nordi/c, the Nordic Culture Fund is holding a cultural policy network meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. This will be the third and final meeting in the Curated Conversations series, bringing together selected individuals with diverse backgrounds in cultural institutions, foundations, research and artistic practice to discuss and explore issues that are central to arts and cultural life and cultural policy in the Nordic Region.
The Nordic Culture Fund is participating in an international network meeting for foundations in Brussels. The meeting is held as a part of the annual ICORN Network Meeting, which brings together writers, artists, journalists, activists, researchers and more to inspire each other, share knowledge and work towards a common goal of strengthening artistic freedom and international solidarity.
Den 15. marts deltager Nordisk Kulturfond ved en panelsamtale om offentlige kunststøtteordninger i Norden. GAP ART SUMMIT NORDIC er en del af ARTIVAL, en bæredygtighedsorienteret kulturfestival, der sætter fokus på flersprogethed og kulturel mangfoldighed inden for kunst- og kultursektoren.
Concert organisers in the Fund’s Puls initiative meet for a final network meeting in Thorshavn, Faroe Islands.
Benny Marcel, the Fund’s director, moderates a debate on today’s cultural policy.
The Nordic Culture Fund is participating in the meeting as part of an ongoing partnership with the Danish UNESCO delegation on artistic freedom.