About the Fund
The board, experts and the secretariat are the three central parts of the organisation. Together, we will perform knowledge-based and qualitative work with high legitimacy.
The Secretariat takes care of the daily duties of the Nordic Culture Fund at Nordens Hus in Copenhagen. The secretariat is led by a director who is appointed by the board of the Nordic Culture Fund. The daily tasks include every aspect of processing the applications and supporting the board and the experts. The secretariat also works with the Fund’s partnerships, networks and general development tasks. The secretariat consists of a director, four advisors, a project manager and a student assistant.
The 13 members of the Board are appointed by the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers for a two-year period. Each Nordic state has two members; the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland have one each. The chair is for a term of two years and rotates between the five states.
Chairperson: Sigmundur Ernir Rúnarsson, Member of Althingi
Substitute: Pending decision
Vice Chairperson: Finnur Bjarnason, Senior Adviser, Department for Culture and Media, Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs
Substitute: Arna Kristín Einarsdóttir, Director General, Department for Culture and Media, Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs
Board member: Ann-Sofie Alm, Member of Parliament
Substitute: Gunilla Carlsson, Member of Parliament
Board member: Kajsa Ravin, Director General, Swedish Arts Council
Substitute: Bongi MacDermott, Head of Unit for International Cooperation, Swedish Arts Council
Board member: Henrik Møller, Member of Parliament
Substitute: Lars-Christian Brask, Member of Parliament
Board Member: Lasse Horne Kjældgaard, Director, Carlsbergfondet
Substitute: Anne Lisbeth Lund, Museum Director, Willumsens Museum
Board member: Hedvig Westerlund-Kapnas, Director, Faroese Folk High School
Substitute: Armgarð Weihe, Civil Servant, Ministry of Culture
Board member: Veronika Honkasalo, Member of Parliament
Substitute: Eva Biaudet, Member of Parliament
Board member: Kirsi Väkiparta, Senior Adviser, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE)
Substitute: Tapani Sainio, Cultural Counsellor, Ministry of Education and Culture
Board Member: Else Bjerge Petersen, Park Ranger, Kujataa World Heritage
Substitute: Doris J. Jensen, Member of Inatsisartut
Board Member: Kathrine Kleveland, Member of Parliament
Substitute: Helge Andre Njåstad, Member of Parliament
Board Member: Henning Henriksen, assistant secretary general, Ministry of Culture
Substitute: Elisabeth Lier Haugseth, Head of expedition, Ministry of Culture and Equality
Board Member: Krister Norrgrann, Director Musices, Board Member and Retired Principal
Substitute: Alfons Röblom, Member of the Åland Parliament
Today the Nordic Culture Fund has a budget of around 36 million DKK. The Fund’s grants comes from the budget of the Nordic Council of Ministers, and is approved by the Nordic Council.
The Nordic Culture Fund uses experts to assess applications and provide the Fund with a basis for artistic and cultural qualities and other cultural policy assessments. The Fund’s experts come from all over the Nordic region and are experts in the various fields of art and culture. The Fund’s director appoints the experts on the basis of proposals from the national cultural authorities and organisations.
Denmark: Christiane Finsen, Patricia Bbaale Bandak, Tali Rázga, Thorbjørn Tønder Hansen
Finland: Carl Knif, Olli Kortekangas, Philip Nicolai Teir, Selma Green
Faroe Islands: Andrea Heindriksdóttir
Greenland: Maria Panínguak’ Kjærulff
Iceland: Brynjar Leifsson, Halla Helgadóttir, afventer beslutning
Norway: Amund Sjølie Sveen, Anne Hytta, Anne Oterholm Sigve Knutson
Sweden: Christoffer Andersson, Eli Frankel, Nanna Hellberg, Petra Glipp
Åland: Minna Maria Öberg
Sápmi: Matti Aikio (FI)
Globus: TBA