This data protection policy outlines how the Nordic Culture Fund processes the personal information for which we are responsible.
The Nordic Culture Fund treats all personal information, and data in general, with integrity, and we only use it for specified purposes. We constantly monitor our internal working processes, including the way we process applications, in order to ensure that we are working in the most efficient and responsible manner possible.
We consider ourselves responsible for your data whenever we process applications, extract statistics from our website, or publish and send out newsletters. We also ensure that we comply with the EU Data Protection Regulation and Danish data protection legislation.
This data protection policy outlines how the Nordic Culture Fund processes the personal information for which we are responsible.
We collect and process personal information related to funding applications, our website and our newsletters. We only ask for information that is necessary for the purpose stated, and for which you give your consent.
General personal information, including the applicant’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Subscribers to our newsletter give us their e-mail addresses. We also record IP addresses in order to draw up statistics about the use of our website. However, this information is stored in an anonymous form to which we do not have access.
In addition, we ask successful funding applicants for bank details in order to fund their projects.
We request this personal information in order to process funding applications and pay grants to successful applicants. We also use the newsletter subscribers’ e-mail addresses in order to inform them about the Fund and its activities. We draw up website statistics in order to provide relevant and useful information for our users.
We use questionnaires and surveys to improve and develop the Fund, so that we work as efficiently as possible and remain relevant and up-to-date for applicants and other stakeholders.
We do not use cookies on this website. Enjoy a cookie-free experience.
We have implemented security measures to ensure the protection of all personal data. We conduct regular internal follow-ups to monitor these measures’ adequacy and compliance with policy.
The Nordic Culture Fund collects personal information directly from you – never from third parties. This means that you always know what information we hold.
We only share personal information when there is a legal basis to do so, e.g. we have entered into data-processing agreements with the suppliers of our application system and our website. We are also entitled to share information related to debt-collection cases.
The Nordic Culture Fund has in place data-processing agreements that ensure your information is protected and that we meet our data protection obligations.
We may be required to disclose personal information to official bodies such as the National Audit Office, e.g. to check that we are complying with legislation.
We will only comply with requests for personal information if legally required to do so.
The Nordic Culture Fund deletes personal information whenever it is no longer required to process an application. In practice, this means that, for unsuccessful applications, the information is deleted within 12 months. Information on successful applications is stored for five years after the last funding payment is made, in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Bookkeeping Act.
Personal information is stored as long as the subscriber wishes to continue receiving the newsletter. The information is deleted when they unsubscribe.
IP addresses are anonymised immediately. We do not have access to them.
We delete e-mails once they are no longer relevant to a case. If they relate to a funding application or other proceedings, they will be archived along with the case concerned and removed from our e-mail system as per the legislation.
As a registered user, you have rights with which the Nordic Culture Fund has a legal duty to comply. You have the right to:
We process personal information based on your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To revoke your consent, please contact the Fund’s data protection officer.
Our newsletters are only sent to registered subscribers. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, opt out by clicking “Unsubscribe” in the e-mail. Your information will then be deleted.
If you wish to have your personal data deleted or restricted, or if you object to how the Nordic Culture Fund processes your personal information, please contact our data protection officer.
We are also committed to treating your information in the best and most transparent way in the future. We therefore review and update this data protection policy regularly.
Data Protection Policy, updated 24 May 2018.
The body responsible for your personal data:
The Nordic Culture Fund
Ved Stranden 18
DK-1061 Copenhagen
If you want to exercise your rights as described above, or if you have any questions about the way in which we process your personal data or this data protection policy, feel free to contact the Fund’s data protection officer (DPO):
Christian Søndergaard Christensen:
If you wish to lodge a complaint about the way in which we process your personal data, please e-mail the details of your complaint to We will consider the complaint and get back to you.
You also have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency about the way in which the Nordic Culture Fund processes your personal data. For further information about how to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Agency, please refer to the Agency’s website
The rules governing the Nordic Culture Fund’s processing of your personal data are found in:
The Personal Data Act (until 25 May 2018)
The Data Protection Regulation (after 25 May 2018)
The Data Protection Act (after 25 May 2018)