Globus FORWARD is a new direction within the Nordic Culture Fund’s thematic initiative Globus and replaces the previous Globus Call–programme. The support is targeted at existing collaborations that demonstrate potential and readiness for further development. It is the grantees themselves who decide on the aims and content of the specific development activities. The programme will be open for applications during 14 June – 15 September 2024.
With Globus, the Nordic Culture Fund has in recent years developed a more trust-based and open-ended approach to funding transnational collaborations. The aim has been to broaden the scope of Nordic cultural cooperation based on the idea that approaches to the “Nordic” not only unfold and assert themselves within the Nordic Region, but are shaped in ongoing exchange and dialogue with the world.
Globus FORWARD is the latest edition of the initiative, building upon the experiences and insights gained from the earlier phases of Globus. The programme aims to develop a more structural dimension to the Globus funding that seeks to create more sustainable artistic networks and collaborations with Nordic/Global relevance.
Globus FORWARD aims at strengthening the capacities of new types of agile and flexible collaborative formats that are rooted in specific local settings and operate across wider geographical distances. The experiences of previous Globus grantees demonstrate that many of these collaborations fulfill several functions and act as important intermediaries between different actors. At the same time, they are faced with persistent challenges and constant uncertainty as they are often operating outside of established institutional frameworks.
Globus FORWARD aims to give these collaborations the opportunity and space for further development. The grant can cover targeted/specific activities within the chosen areas (e.g. consultations, material costs, expert sessions, etc.). The activities can be completely or partly integrated into the grantee’s own general operations and artistic practice/method, provided it is clearly demonstrated how this contributes to the development of the collaboration/organisations within the selected core areas. There is no requirement for co-financing.
Support can be granted to collaborations that have progressed from their initial phases and express an articulated need and motivation/readiness to develop their way of working in a long-term perspective, also after the grant period. As with the previous phases of Globus, the focus is on collaborations that work with experimental approaches and methods, and which relate to their wider surroundings by drawing upon specific local practices and contexts.
The programme is open to previous Globus grantees (Globus Call and Globus Opstart grantees) as well as new applicants. We encourage all new applicants to check their eligibility with the Fund before preparing a full application. A pre-application form will be open from 20 June until 1 August.
The Globus initiative is set to conclude at the end of 2025. In the coming period the Fund will explore, how the central ideas and learnings from the work can be further integrated into the Fund’s practice and grantmaking schemes to ensure a more long-term and sustainable anchoring of the initiative’s purpose and potential. The work will therefore be supported by continued knowledge development that can also provide inspiration for other funders and the wider field of arts and culture.