The objective of Ecologists at Risk (ER) is to open an independent Residency in Mexico for at-risk ecologists. ER is a next-gen residency programme at the intersection of environmental activism and art/culture.
The objective of Ecologists at Risk (ER) is to open the 1st independent Residency in Mexico for at-risk ecologists. Designed as the centre of a future ER-Residency Cluster for the Caribbean, Central & South America. ER is a next-gen residency programme at the intersection of environmental activism and art/culture. ER is modelled on Perpetuum Mobile’s innovative and successful Artists at Risk (AR) residency programme, which moved over 500 artists to safe residencies in 2022 alone. But whereas AR is an institution at the interface of the arts and human rights, ER will support ecological activism, the arts and human rights.
The project is lead by Perpetuum Mobile (FI).
Perpetuum Mobile (PM), is an NGO co-founded by Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen (in alternating order) in 2007, as a curatorial vehicle which brings together art, practice and inquiry. It acts as a conduit and engine to re-imagine certain historical, theoretical and practical paradigms in fields which often exist in disparate institutional frames and territories. PM has worked extensively in the Nordic, European and international field.